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Friendly Reminder: Transition to Google Analytics 4 Now and Not Later!

Google is sundowning the current version of Google Analytics, called Universal Analytics (UA). UA will stop collecting data in July of 2023. Their new analytics offering is called Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and will become Google’s default program.

The new version is meant to offer better, more precise data and metrics – including the ability for users to track app activity along with web tracking. It should also be just as easy to interact with GA4 as it is with UA.

What’s the catch, you ask?

Transitioning now is key. Waiting until the inevitable transition in July means that after six months, you will no longer have access to historical data that you can refer back to or compare with new data. In order to keep historical data, you’ll need to set up GA4 and back up your data, sooner than later.

Some additional benefits of GA4 include:

  • Instead of last-click attribution, GA4 will feature data-driven attribution.  This will help you more wholesomely track the customer’s journey and gain knowledge of how your marketing influences your conversions.
  • In response to a rise in privacy concerns and new policies, GA4 does not hinge on cookies and will no longer store IP addresses.
  • Purchase Probability will help predict the likelihood of purchases within seven days from users who have visited your website or app.

Learn more about GA4, here

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